
CP27 Art

CP 27 Art is a coating surface for natural stone products layer is an acrylic-based oil that will make a natural stone surface appears to be more subtle and doff, so that appeared more natural patterns on the surface of the natural stone. 

This coating is suitable for treatment and protection against natural stone ultraviolet light, fungus, moss, water and oil making it easier for cleaning. 

CP 27 Art can be used for interior and exterior applications and can be used on various types of natural stone such as: Palimanan, marmo, bali green, green sukabumi, plates etc.. 

  • How To Use
    1. Clear the field that will coating of the fungus, mildew, dirt, dust and oily layer 
    2. Make it sure that the surface of the stone was clean and dry 
    3. Mix the coating and make sure that was evenly mixed
    4. Brush or spray coating evenly, re-coatin back to the stone surface with high porositas 

  • Description

    The period of drying: dry for the next coating ± 15 minutes
    Coverage: ± 5-7 m2 / liter (depending on the porosity of the surface of natural stone)
    How to use: stir and ready to be used with a brush and spray

  • Additional Info
    1. Cover tightly after use packaging coatings
    2. Store in a cool and keep it away from direct sunlight
    3. Keep out of reach of children